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May 2022
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Upcoming show! House concert & video recording
Announcing a very special show! I will perform a solo house concert in Brasilia at my Little Bakery Studio (in the lounge, actually), which will be recorded live to video. Please get in touch with me directly if you wish to be a part of this very special evening! 🎶📹 (Favor, fique em contato se quiser assistir essa noite!)
- The special date: Thursday, May 12, 2022
- Doors: 7 p.m. (19:00)
- Instagram Live @jesserivest broadcast start: 19:50
- Music and filming begins: 20:00
- Punctuality is very important! 🙏
- Location: the end of Asa Norte, Brasilia, DF
This event is semi-private, in that we've only so much space and we've already confirmed a number of guests. However, there likely will be some remaining spaces to fill, and I'd love for you to do that. 😎
I will prepare several loaves of sourdough bread, and my partner Jane will prepare hummus. You'll bring your own beverage, and a cushion to sit on if you can (we have some seating and some floor space). I will be filming my performance, and I need a guest to film a bit of the ambience with their mobile phone. We'll work that out before the show starts.
Updates will be posted here on this page (above—scroll up) as they come.